the least, the last, and the lost.
Missions and Outreach is the heartbeat of Ivy Creek United Methodist Church. Our goal is to have every member involved in some way in our Mission and Outreach efforts. Following is information about our current ministries.
Below are some of the opportunities available for you to use your gifts in the church and community.

Contact: Laurie Martin
Contact: Leatha Harlow or Sue Smith
Contact: Pat Toms
A grassroots organization that coordinates space and volunteers to provide shelter for individuals in our community who are homeless. More than sixty congregations in the Charlottesville area open their doors – setting up cots, serving warm evening meals, and providing companionship. PACEM is also a Latin word meaning peace. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are one of many congregations who are delivering meals to temporary shelters.
Contact: Leigh Anne Schiebel or Susan Keeney
Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Once or twice a year Ivy Creek UMC opens the Fellowship Hall for the pre-packaging of thousands of meals by church and community volunteers, which are later distributed to people in developing nations around the world. Monetary donations are always welcome year-round.
The Wesley Foundation is the United Methodist student fellowship at the University of Virginia. One of the features is a Tuesday meal. Ivy Creek is one of the churches that provides meals for this ministry during the school's terms.
Sarah's Circle is a women's ministry whose mission is to support one another, our church, and the local and world community. They meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month except for July and August. Sarah's Circle provides home-bound individuals with gift bags at Christmas, oversees the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Card Ministry and coordinates the collection of UMCOR kits. They also support PACEM and the Wesley Foundation with meals. During the holidays, Sarah's Circle supports local charities with monetary donations.