Opportunities To Serve

Using Your Gifts in God’s Service
at Ivy Creek United Methodist Church.​

There are many ways to serve God through the church and its ministries. We invite you to consider how God may be calling you to serve and to become involved in the various opportunities at Ivy Creek. Below are some of the opportunities available for you to use your gifts in the church and community.

If you are interested in serving and working within the church, please contact the church office at 434-973-4793 or ivycreekumc@gmail.com.

Youth (at least 8 years old and tall enough to reach the candles on the altar in the sanctuary) or adults who perform ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles and assisting the pastor in worship. 

Bereavement Committee:
Helping others cope with grief is at the core of this ministry, which provides food and other assistance for church families who have suffered a death.

Chancel Choir:
Our choral group is open to all interested individuals age 13 and up.  We currently are doing pop-up choir selections with quick rehearsals before the Sunday Service. We welcome all who are willing to sing.  

Communications Team:
Together, team members enhance the visibility of our church in the community through advertising, website social media and other media. The team also facilitates communication within the church through signage and other communications projects.

Finance Committee:
This committee oversees the church's finances and budget, and makes recommendations about financial needs and issues.

Greeters are important to each of our services and are willing to share their enthusiasm with those who enter our doors. Greeters welcome and seat worshipers, distribute bulletins, and share information regarding weekly activities and Sunday morning class locations.

Hospitality Team:
This team is in charge of all church related social functions such as dinners, picnics, and parties.

Playing an instrument for worship services.

Lay Reader:
If you can read and you would find fulfillment by sharing scriptural truth with other members, you can serve as a lay reader. Readers share the scripture lesson each Sunday and at special services.

Sip 'n Chat Host:
Provide and set out coffee and snacks following the 10am service.

Ushers assist in the worship service by collecting offering. They serve at special worship, memorial, and funeral services in addition to weekly Sunday service.

Worship Committee:
Members work with the pastor to prepare the sanctuary to glorify God through worship. They change banners and altar cloths, set up for the various special Sundays, and prepare the elements and altar for all communion services.